Rehabilitation process of Zaza Pachulia is going on well. We contacted the captain of the Georgian national basketball team in Atlanta and asked him to summarize regular season of NBA and upcoming battles of playoff and the national team.
- Zaza, how is a rehabilitation process going on?
- Quite well. I have been to my doctor in Charlotte and plaster cast was removed. I feel better now. I have already passed the toughest period after the operation. Perhaps, I will be able to walk in two weeks, but with special clothes.
- Several days ago Kobe Bryant, leader of “Los Angeles Lakers”, was operated on Achilles tendon. According to the doctors, Kobe had the third-degree injury. Which degree is in your case?
- The injury of Bryant was different. He got injured while playing and his tendon was fully broken. In my case, it turned out that the tendon was not injured. My bone was injured. The doctors repaired the injured bone. That is why, I will return in 6 months and Kobe in 9 ones. Besides that, of course, age plays a key role in the rehabilitation period.
- Regular season of NBA has finished. How do you summarize the current season for you and also for “Atlanta”? Basketball experts mention that role of Zaza Pachulia has increased now than it was in 2011-12…
- The difference between the last and the current seasons is big. We play more team play now. We make 25 average assists per game. It is one of the best results in the whole league. This factor gave us chance to establish ourselves in playoff zone.
As for my career, I think it was one of my best seasons because I received a huge pleasure from each game. I had my role in the team. I attacked the opponent more freely.
- In the current season Larry Drew, head coach of “Atlanta”, made accent on the front line. Tactic and lineup were changed several times. Was it tough for you to get used to it?
- First of all, I want to mention that I have been known Larry Drew for 8 years and I have no problem with him. As for the tactical changes, it was caused because of injuries and lineups of other teams. I was in lineup against almost all teams which have obvious centers. In the game against “Toronto” it was decided that Anthony Tolliver would stop Rudy Gay.
It is just nuances. There are all kinds of basketball players in “Atlanta” and coaching staff can make changes during the season. That is why, we make through to playoff recently.
- You have a chance to watch the play of “Hawks” now. How can you evaluate chances against “Indiana”? There was a chance to play against “Brooklyn” but finally, you will play against “Pacers” in the first round of the playoff…
- At the end of the regular season we know our opponent would be one of them – either “Brooklyn” or “Indiana”. We had neutral balance against them (2 wins – 2 losses). However, the coaching staff made choice on “Pacers”. It was not because of “Miami” in the second round. You must handle playoff individually and you must offer opponent something special in each game. The first game is the most important. In case of victory, we will have arena and psychological advantages. “Indiana” held the regular season better than us. But “Atlanta” is more experienced in playoff.
- Great changes are planned in “Atlanta” in summer. Many basketball players will be free from contracts, including you. Rumor has it Larry Drew will be dismissed and Larry Brown will replace him…
- We are expecting a very interesting summer. I do not remember such situation in my Georgian career. I can say only one thing: “Atlanta” has to work hard during summer. At the end of the season “Hawks” will have contract only with three basketball players: Al Horford, Louis Williams and Jenkins. It is good because wages fund will be released. A lot will depend on our competition in playoff. After that it will be decided whether build “Atlanta” with current basketball players or with new ones. Danny Ferry, general manager of the club, is a very experienced and clever organizer. Let us see what will happen in summer. I can say one thing: perhaps, the main accent will be made to keep Josh Smith and Jeff Teague. I do not know what will happen to me.
- Tornike Shengelia made us very happy in the game against “Washington”. He was named as the best player of the game and made the first double-double. How do you think, which will be better for Toko to stay in “Brooklyn” or to play for weaker NBA club for more playing time?
- At this time Tornike should be concentrated on playoff and just to gain pleasure with it. Toko may not play at all but he will gain experience in “Brooklyn”.
It is very hard to gain confidence of coach, general manager and fan. You cannot do it in one game. Tornike used all his chances and proved that his place is in NBA. “Nets” has many good and experienced players on his position but in spite of it, I cannot understand why P.J. Carlesimo ignores play of Tornike.
When draft 2013 will end up, Tornike and his agent will talk to managers of the club. It is good that he has guaranteed another year contract with the club. But if Tornike does not get more playing time, it will be better for me to play for weaker NBA club. One thing is obvious. Tornike is a player of future and I see him in this league for other 10 years.
- Let us talk about the Georgian national basketball team. Is it necessary to add front liner legionary because of your injury? Or should we make accent on the back line?
- It is a very risky issue. In my opinion, it is not necessary to add legionary now because the foreigner with Georgian passport will take place of our young and perspective player. In spite of my injury, we have quite good lineup: Tsintsadze plays on high level at the Ukrainian Championship. Markoishvili is stable in one of the best leagues of Europe. Viktor Sanikidze and Gio Shermadini play for European grands. Shengelia will help the team for sure. We can rely on this lineup. We have already passed the period when we needed help of foreigner. We were young and inexperienced then. We have very good young players. For example, Beka Burjanadze plays on high level in spite of his age.
- After your injury, there is one vacant place in the team… How do you think, is it time to return Nikoloz Tskitishvili to the team?
- It is a prerogative of head coach. In my opinion, the place of “Tskito” has always been in the Georgian team. He can help the team even now.
- How do you think, should Igor Kokoskov work more with the team? Playoff of the Georgian Championship starts soon and it will not be bad if Mr. Igor will observe candidates of the national team…
- I do not think it is necessary. The head coach has two brilliant assistants Kote Tugushi and Davit Ustiashvili. They will choose interesting players for the national team. Kokoskov will choose from 21 basketball players.
- Of course, Spain and Slovenia are favorites of our group. Croatia has a strong team too. Please, evaluate the opponents of the Georgian team…
- It has been one of the strongest groups recently. Spain is a favorite. Last EuroBasket we played against Slovenia but it will be different team this year. Perhaps, Croatia will not make mistakes anymore.
It does not matter which team you play against because our team has courageous character. We do not have a right to play badly because we represent our families, city and country. We must held preparation period well and the boys will be more self-confident. There is no bad team at EuroBasket, especially in our group because any of them can offer surprises. It will be good if we win any game with big difference.
- Are you going to leave for EuroBasket with the team as a member of the delegation? Such an experienced basketball player like you can help players and coaching staff…
- It is long time till September. Let us see how my rehabilitation process will go on. It is not excluded.
Giorgi Barbakadze