
14:51 | 29.01.2014 | Viewed []

Khotenashvili and Javakhishvili at the Gibraltar Tournament

The 14th Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival has started in Gibraltar. Bela Khotenashvili (2527) and Lela Javakhishvili (2430) are participating in it.

The games will be based on the Swiss system and it will end up on February 6. The system is the following: 100 minutes on 40 moves, 50 minutes on 20 moves, 15 minutes till the end of the game+30-minute from the first move.

In case of sharing the first place tie-break will be held. If more than 4 are pretenders to the first place, 4 best will be chosen by ranking-performance.

The winner will be awarded with 20 000 GBP, II-placed will gain – 14 000 and the third-placed – 12 000. Money will be distributed among the women this way: I – 15 000, II – 10 000, III – 5 000.

In the first round Khotenashvili defeated Enrique Osuna Vega of Spain (2141) and Javakhishvili beat Yerazik Khachaturian of Norway (1955). In the second round the Georgian chess players will play with black pieces. Javakhishvili will face Sergey Movsesian (Armenia, 2677) and Khotenashvili – Jovana Vojinovic (Serbia, 2335). 
