
13:49 | 8.01.2014 | Viewed []

The Lithuanian Handball Team Brought 90 Kg Books to Tbilisi

The Lithuanian handball team which will play Georgia this evening, brought 90 kg books and albums to Tbilisi. Professor Vidas Kavaliauskas, head of Centre for the Lithuanian Language and Culture at the Georgian Technical University, provided the author of this article with this information. The Lithuanian Olympic Committee and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania sent these books and albums to the abovementioned centre and the Lithuanian handball team brought them to Tbilisi.

The Centre for the Lithuanian Language and Culture was established at the Georgian Technical University in October 2012. The Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania finances the centre. About 40 students of the 4 Tbilisi universities are studying in the centre. The best students are leaving for Lithuania by different programs. Famous figures of Georgia and Lithuania – politicians, diplomats, artists - have visited the centre

Mr. Vidas introduced me to Gintaras Savukynas, head coach of the Lithuanian handball team. I attended the meeting with the students of the centre. The Georgian students greeted the guests in the Lithuanian language. Savukynas thanked the students and gave the presents to the centre – sport uniforms, t-shirts with autographs and handball balls.

The author of this article gave a present to the head coach of the Lithuanian team – hat and Georgian chacha. “The Georgians love Lithuania, respect the Lithuanian sportsmen but today Georgia must beat the Lithuanian handball team”, - I told them. The head coach said to me smiling: “I will not translate these words to the boys”. He was interested if the Sports Palace would be crowded. “We are preparing for this match and hopefully, it will be an interesting match”, - added Savukynas.

I want the fans to attend today’s match and support the Georgian team. If the Sports Palace will be crowded, it will be a great success for our team. The Lithuanian team will be nervous seeing the crowded tribunes.



Tengiz Pachkoria, specially for www.worldsport.ge 

Photos by Khatuna Gabitashvili
