
20:07 | 27.03.2013 | Viewed []

Guja Kakhadze: "Two-Day Variant of 47+5 Gives One Year Guarantee"

Nothing compares to health – perhaps, it sounds banal but it is the truth. People who suffer from different diseases are often operated on due to lack of information. They spend a lot of money, go abroad but they do not have good result or have to be satisfied with little progress.

“World Sport” has taken interview from the Tbilisi architect Guja Kakhadze before. Mr. Guja has developed a unique method of physical and psychological preparation – “47+5” which works in all sports. He developed a new system of the exercises by observing characters of sportsmen and youth people in Georgia. This new system is called “Physical preparation without charge”. It can increase physical condition and recover organism in a short time. In spite of that, this method has existed for 10 years, it is not known for many specialists. According to his pupils, the result is so unbelievable that it seems absurd for many. So, they prefer not to speak about it. The sportsman gains a guaranteed result by the course which consists of two 30-minute light practice. Also, it is unbelievable that Mr. Guja can diagnose injury by how you sit, walk and run.

It is better to listen to the author of the method in order to find out more about the exercises of Guja Kakhadze:

- There are numerous technics of running but all of them take a lot of energy. Scientists always search something new which will make running easier. Management of “Dynamo” Kyiv states they hired scientists for that. The same happens in other clubs too. After the Olympic Games, leaders of Russian sport stated traditional approach to physical preparation is not enough for them anymore. They want something new. After studying and analyzing the latest achievements of science, I created a non-traditional technology of teaching the run. This technology makes running easier. Everyone knows that we increase speed by spending more energy which tires sportsman very quickly. Pupils do not believe me when I tell them they will not be tired after trotting 15km. The sportsman will spend the same energy while trotting and running. The mechanism is simple: after learning my method, the sportsman can reduce gravity and challenge “resonance” in the body. It helps to accumulate energy and makes running pleasant. I start curing by taking away the reason. This system of exercises is distinguished that after proper movement the injured place starts hurting which means that recovery has started.

- In Georgian football, basically, we have problems of physical conditions, recovery of injuries and scoring of goals…

- It is time to realize that kicking the ball in the goal will be easier for healthy and relaxed football player. We just need to learn: recovery of the body, resting by running, management of mind and feelings. After this, number of the scored goals will increase. Also, it is important to know that only 10% of my exercises are for physical preparation. Other 90% are for mental exercises. That is why, the result comes so quickly. This method is also distinguished that recovery of injury and restoration of sports form are underway at the same time. It shortens rehabilitation period of the injured sportsman.

- We know that football is a traumatic sport. Does wrong running cause additional injuries?

- Sportsmen get much more injuries from wrong running than in case of crash and stroke. I can name meniscus which is considered as a professional injury of the football player. Wrong running causes it. While running stroke power originates by touching the ground with leg. While the wrong running this power is bigger that is why, we get micro traumas which turn into serious ones later. Joints, tendons and muscles are injured. The knee joint is the weakest joint in human’s body. That is why, it is injured easily. Later, it follows by injury of heel, ankle joints and spine. Waist muscles are the weakest muscles. Wrong sitting injuries them seriously. It is not accidental that we teach pupils proper sitting and then proper running. It is difficult to cure injuries caused by running. Traditionally, doctors heal the result, not the reason.

- In which case does partial recovery happen?

- When inflammatory process is going on, help of doctor is necessary. Or if it is chronic disease and 35 days are not enough for the complete cure. In 35 days the patient is fully capable of introducing himself to curing mechanism and he can continue practicing independently, till the complete cure.  

- The post-operation rehabilitation is quite problematic…

- I solve this problem easily but doctors are only surprised and relationship ends there. However, there are some doctors who recovered their bodies by this method. There is a big difference between the treatment and recovery. The treatment of the result gives us only temporary relief because the reason will cause the same result and we will need another treatment. I take away the reason and body recovers on the level of cellular. Georgian Football Federation and Georgian clubs were provided with this information but nobody got interested in it so far.

- Those who practice and cannot achieve result will not believe that he will gain the best result in short time…

- Georgian Football Federation offers us new, multi-year programs. They bring fitness coaches from different foreign countries. Our legionaries? They cannot bear 90 minutes in high speed. Even fans know that without physical conditions we will have serious achievements. It is time to forget the attitude which denies possibilities of improvement physical conditions in the national team. Two-day variant of 47+5 gives 1-year guarantee.

- You can teach running on a long distance too…

- We are far from international standards regarding physical conditions. Serious achievements cannot be reached without it. We cannot restore energy as quickly as European grands do it. We know that foreign football clubs always search something new to reach serious achievements. Each new method takes much time and millions. Unfortunately, Georgians cannot afford it. But we have a fitness system based on a principle of “resonance”. It will help us to achieve success. My method is developing every day. I have been helping Georgian emigrants in recovery and teach exercises to our legionaries by Skype.

- How is exercise by Skype? Is it effective and convenient?

- It has the same result as on training field. But it is very tiring because I have to work more. I gave instructions to the pupil. When I see that he does it right, I let him go out and practice independently for 30 minutes.


“World Sport” will write about pupils of Guja Kakhadze in the future. We will write comments of those people who applied to Mr. Guja. There are people with Parkinson’s disease, implants and those who were operated on many times. They started practicing with Kakhadze and achieved significant progress.


Irakli Japaridze

Photo by Khatia Jijeishvili

