Elite round matches of European U-19 Championship cause a great interest not only in Belgium and participant countries (Belgium, England, Scotland and Georgia) of this group but also among representatives of European clubs and specialists. We found out that agents and managers of some countries are going to arrive in Belgium to watch the games of the Georgian U-19 team. According to a reliable source, representatives of “Vitesse” are going to come to Holland. They are interested in one of the members of the team but I will not name his name.
The Dutch and representatives of other countries will observe the members of the Georgian team. If the Georgians are liked, they will be invited to the clubs.
Georgians living in Belgium and my friends in Georgia asked me if Merab Zhordania, president and owner of “Vitesse”, will arrive in Belgium. I talked to Mr. Merab on phone and he told me: “I wanted to watch the matches of the Georgians against England and Scotland but I cannot do it – I must be at Champions League final in London on May 25. But I am going to attend the Georgians’ match against Belgium on May 29”.
The elite round matches cause a great interest among the Georgians living in Belgium – I told you about it in yesterday’s letter. Gia Chincharauli, Georgian football player and former forward of “Dinamo” Tbilisi and the Soviet team in 1980, who has lived in Belgium for 15 years, contacted me. He lives in Belgium with his family. His 11-year-old son plays for “KV Mechelen”. Mr. Gia told me a lot of Georgians are waiting for the matches of the Georgian U-19 team. “We have strong opponents in the group. I want to wish good luck to our boys”, - added 47-year-old Chincharauli.
Our boys will hold the first match in Bornem on May 24. The match will start at 18:00 local time. On May 25 our team will play against Scotland at 15:00 Belgium time. On May 29 they will play against Belgium at 18:00 in Bornem.
On May 21 the Georgian team arrived in Brussels and then departed for Antwerp. On May 23 I will arrive in Antwerp and will try to inform you with the latest information about our team.
Tengiz Pachkoria, specially for www.worldsport.ge from Brussels