
0:26 | 12.08.2014 | Viewed []

Azmaiparashvili Leads the European Chess!

If Ilumzhinov was the clear favorite in the FIDE Presidential Elections, the same could not be said about the elections of European Chess Union. The Georgian candidate appeared with better program and financial guarantees, but nothing could be excluded. Zurab Azmaiparashvili categorically demanded from friends and journalists not to say anything about victory preliminarily

In the end, Azmaiparashvili won with a big advantage – 33 votes against 18…

Congratulations to the only Georgian champion of Europe reaching the peak of Europe for the second time, this time as official and wish him success!

Now we are waiting for August 13. On this day, the Georgian delegation will be involved in the fight for the World Chess Olympiad 2018. Recall that Georgia represents Batumi. Currently we are clear favorites. I dare to say that we will win the laurel wreath! This day created all the preconditions for such courage…

Zviad Shatirishvili, specially for from Tromso

Photos by the author
